Anant Ambani tied the knot with pharmaceutical heiress Radhika Merchant in a grand ceremony on Friday after months of lavish pre-wedding festivities witnessed by thousands. The star-studded guest list included global icons such as Kim and Khloé Kardashian, Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra, and former British prime ministers Tony Blair and Boris Johnson. The event also drew prominent figures from Indian entertainment, sports, business, and politics, including Bollywood legends Rajinikanth and Sanjay Dutt, former president Ram Nath Kovind, various state chief ministers, and several members of the Indian cricket team.
Police cordoned off streets surrounding the Ambani-owned Jio World Convention Center, setting the scene for a dazzling red-carpet event. Amidst the downpour, guests adorned in custom sarees, lehengas, and kurtas lit up the venue, showcasing potential new trends in Indian wedding fashion. International attendees also paid homage to tradition, donning creations by top Indian designers.
The groom made a grand entrance onto the red carpet in a striking golden sherwani paired unexpectedly with sneakers, a look he later swapped for the ceremony. Meanwhile, the bride radiated in a meticulously hand-embroidered bridal ensemble from the esteemed Indian label Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla. Following the Gujarati tradition, Merchant adorned herself in an exquisite ivory attire trimmed with lavish red accents.
Prior to her "vidai," the poignant ritual where Indian brides bid farewell to their kin before joining their husband's household, Merchant transformed into a resplendent outfit of red and gold. Her attire featured an intricately woven blouse, a flowing lehenga, a delicate veil, and an embroidered head covering.
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