
Fortune India The Next 500

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020
RANK TOTAL INCOME NET INCOME PROFIT Interest cost Cash & Bank Balance Total Debt Debt-Equity Ratio Total Assets Networth RONW ROCE Employees Avg MCap TSR (CY21)
2022 2021 Company OWNER / GROUP Industry Rs cr YoY change % Rs cr YoY change % Rs cr Rank YoY change % % of total income Rs cr % of Ebitda Rs cr % of Ebitda (x) Rs cr Rank YoY Change % Rs cr Rank YoY Change % (%) (%) (in nos) Rank YoY Change % Rs cr (%)
277 NA Coffee Day Enterprises V G Siddhartha 3716 -14 862 -67 -584 490 PL NAP 261 NAP 46 1779 0.60 5967 29 -31 3716 10 -14 NAP NAP 142 430 -28 774 -11
201 NA Arvind Fashions Sanjay Lalbhai 522 -13 1449 -6 -580 489 LL NAP 228 NAP 19 1755 3.50 2577 68 -13 522 298 -13 NAP NAP 334 400 -33 2439 79
232 NA Future Consumer Kishore Biyani 592 -44 1185 -71 -483 488 LL NAP 72 NAP 47 624 0.80 1264 178 -30 592 257 -44 NAP NAP 451 364 -65 1529 -13
184 NA Bombay Dyeing & Mfg. Co. Wadia Nusli N -168 NAP 1193 -37 -469 487 PL NAP 588 2329.33 238 4172 0.00 3998 39 -6 -168 485 NAP NAP NAP 484 355 -25 1790 39
358 NA Take Solutions Shriram Group 1125 -29 774 -65 -452 486 LL NAP 37 NAP 39 514 0.40 1673 125 -23 1125 118 -29 NAP NAP NA NAP 819 -15
218 NA BGR Energy Systems S Raghupathy & Arjun G R 775 -34 1140 -58 -405 485 LL NAP 300 NAP 354 1943 2.09 2839 63 -17 775 195 -34 NAP NAP NA NAP 408 83
167 119 ISMT Indian Seamless -1652 -26 1252 -6 -343 484 LL NAP 263 NAP 41 2093 0.00 646 348 -38 -1652 494 -26 NAP NAP 1993 113 1 348 460
175 111 Eveready Industries India Khaitan B M 245 -56 1249 2 -312 483 PL NAP 52 NAP 82 441 1.04 697 317 -27 245 410 -56 NAP NAP 2179 101 -3 2229 41
374 NA Inox Wind DK Jain 1316 -22 711 -7 -306 482 LL NAP 255 NAP 242 1563 0.89 2935 59 4 1316 93 -22 NAP NAP 1070 222 -13 2111 80
2 NA Hindusthan National Glass Somani H L -432 NAP 1899 -17 -304 481 LL NAP 210 720.08 168 2255 0.00 1902 105 -19 -432 489 NAP NAP NAP 22963 3 661 313 -6
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