
Fortune India The Next 500

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020
RANK TOTAL INCOME NET INCOME PROFIT Interest cost Cash & Bank Balance Total Debt Debt-Equity Ratio Total Assets Networth RONW ROCE Employees Avg MCap TSR (CY21)
2022 2021 Company OWNER / GROUP Industry Rs cr YoY change % Rs cr YoY change % Rs cr Rank YoY change % % of total income Rs cr % of Ebitda Rs cr % of Ebitda (x) Rs cr Rank YoY Change % Rs cr Rank YoY Change % (%) (%) (in nos) Rank YoY Change % Rs cr (%)
428 NA Kesar Enterprises Kilachand -102 49 547 6 90 169 3822.71 13.84 27 92.39 26 208 0.00 361 450 -8 -102 483 49 NAP 31.51 252 417 -3 78 100
205 199 Simbhaoli Sugars Gurmit Singh Mann -32 -21 1267 17 -6 419 Loss NAP 31 71.70 59 1092 0.00 1209 191 -2 -32 478 -21 NAP NAP 1484 172 -2 79 154
483 486 SBEC Sugar UK Modi -5 NAP 580 20 -24 436 PL NAP 22 147.72 4 231 35.88 261 472 -22 -5 477 NAP NAP NAP 257 416 -3 86 175
496 350 Damodar Industries AK Biyani 97 -1 568 -26 -6 420 Loss NAP 31 79.00 1 331 3.55 428 434 -7 97 459 -1 NAP 3.82 1220 200 -17 91 60
444 438 Winsome Textile Industries Ashish Bagrodia. 186 0 624 -6 -1 411 Loss NAP 33 63.99 15 271 1.41 465 416 3 186 435 0 1.53 8.20 2220 98 14 91 177
336 405 Sky Gold Mangesh Chauhan & Mahendra 52 10 796 10 5 395 -17.35 0.58 6 60.74 0 73 1.32 126 493 18 52 473 10 9.65 10.71 NA NAP 99 -1
399 NA Bedmutha Industries Kachardas R. Bedmutha 77 148 388 8 196 57 LP 27.93 62 NAP 13 228 0.00 401 441 11 77 467 148 NAP 61.84 525 339 -3 115 134
276 419 Visa Steel V Saran -2346 NAP 976 43 -1197 495 LL NAP 17 NAP 10 3472 0.00 1148 200 -51 -2346 497 NAP NAP NAP 386 383 1 119 137
437 396 Rohit Ferro Tech Suresh Patni & Ankit Patni -2045 -3 634 -14 -69 448 Loss NAP 2 NAP 1 2631 0.00 587 380 -8 -2045 496 -3 NAP NAP 379 387 -8 120 2481
329 NA Signet Industries Mukesh Sangla 189 7 827 -6 14 372 18.32 1.62 46 74.15 21 281 1.30 485 410 15 189 434 7 6.95 12.44 526 338 -10 121 76
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