Twitter has transitioned to the X domain following a rebranding effort initiated in July 2023 after Elon Musk took over as CEO. Today, Musk announced on X that the platform's all core systems have fully transitioned to "" and shared an image of the old logo from 1999.
When accessing the login page of X, a notification informs users of the URL change while assuring them that their privacy and data protection settings remain unchanged. Despite this, there are still occasions when visiting Twitter does not redirect to X, indicating a gradual transition.
Now, with Musk's official announcement of the complete transition to the X domain, it is anticipated that the platform will soon consistently reflect the new domain. The URL began changing in August last year, with intermittent switches between the new and old domains.
Elon Musk acquired Twitter in 2022 and rebranded it to X in July 2023. Although the iconic blue bird logo was swiftly replaced with a fan-made logo, a stylised version of the alphabet "X." The domain transition faced delays due to technical complexities.
Earlier in a post on X, Musk announced that the platform would soon incorporate "comprehensive communications and the ability to conduct your entire financial world." Explaining this further, he said, "The Twitter name does not make sense in that context, so we must bid adieu to the bird."
In October 2022, Musk described acquiring Twitter as a catalyst for creating ‘X’, the everything app," similar to super-apps like China's WeChat, which combine various internet services into one app. The rebranding also reflects the significant changes the social media platform has undergone since Musk's acquisition, including various product and policy alterations over the past year.
These changes encompass introducing paid verification, banning third-party apps, implementing new API tiers for developers, paywalling features that were previously free, and discontinuing several others.
In January, X revealed plans to leverage AI to enhance both the user and advertising experience on the platform. The AI will be utilised to upgrade various features, such as the search function and advertisements, aiming to "fuel a new level of customer understanding" and more, it said. The social media platform also announced its plans to roll out peer-to-peer payments, promising to "offer new opportunities" for commerce on the platform.
Musk co-founded as one of the world’s first online banks, which later merged with competitor Confinity. This merged entity rebranded as the online payments company ‘PayPal’ in 2001. In 2017, Musk repurchased the domain name from PayPal.
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