iPhone users in India will get 5G support as early as next week, the US-based tech giant Apple said in a statement on Wednesday. Apple is rolling out its iOS beta or iOS 16.2 software programme, for Airtel and Jio users next week, but has not confirmed a date for the roll out.
The beta software is a precursor where users can test out 5G services before it is made available across all networks. The iPhone manufacturer had last month said that the 5G services will be available across all iPhones in India by December this year.
"5G will be enabled via a software update and will start rolling out to iPhone users in December," the company had said in a statement. Apple had then said that it is working with its "carrier partners in India to bring the best 5G experience to iPhone users as soon as network validation and testing for quality and performance is completed".
How will the beta version work?
In order to avail of the iOS beta version, iPhone users having either Airtel or Jio network will have to enrol into the Apple Beta Software Programme. After enrolling, the users will get access to various features under the Beta programme including the quality of 5G services in the iPhone. The users can also provide feedback on the quality and usability to Apple using the beta software programme.
The new beta software update will be available for iPhone SE, iPhone 12, iPhone 13 and iPhone 14 users.
Notably, Gopal Vittal, the managing director and chief executive officer of Bharti Airtel, during an earnings call on Tuesday had said that all smartphones except Apple iPhones will get 5G services by next week.
“There are 27 Samsung models of 5G. Of these, 16 models are already ready and enabled. Rest will happen by November 10 to November 12. For OnePlus, all 17 models will work on our network. Vivo all 34 models, Realme all 34 models will work on our network. Xiaomi's all 33 models and Oppo all 14 models will work. Apple has 13 models. They will have (software update) release around the first week of November and by mid-December they should be all ready,” Vittal said.
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