Fortune India 500: 2023

2023 2022 2021 2020
Rank Total Income Net Income Profit Interest cost Cash & Bank Balance Total Debt Debt-Equity Ratio Total Assets Networth RONW ROCE Employees T12M AVG
TSR (%)
2023 2022 Change Company Ownership Rs cr YoY change % Rs cr YoY change % Rs cr Rank YoY change % % of total income Rs cr % of Ebitda Rs cr Rs cr (x) Rs cr Rank YoY change % Rs cr Rank YoY change % (%) (%) (in nos) Rank RS Crore (%)
374 310 -64 Shirpur Gold Refinery Essel Group 5362 2.00 5357 2.00 -33 458 0.00 NAP 50 301.00 27 546 0.00 411 500 3.00 -137 484 0.00 NAP 0.0 NAVL NAP NAP NAP
489 NAP NEW Mitsui Kinzoku Components India MNC 3646 7.00 3597 4.00 141 417 0.00 4.00 22 12.00 65 609 6.90 699 499 12.00 88 483 0.00 809.5 24.7 NAVL NAP NAP NAP
458 NAP R-E 2020 Shankara Building Products Indian Private 4090 66.00 4030 67.00 63 438 84.00 2.00 24 21.00 12 88 0.10 731 498 6.00 643 465 0.00 10.5 15.3 991 355 1622 2.6
434 NAP NEW DSV Air & Sea MNC 4482 36.00 4462 38.00 237 385 109.00 5.00 11 3.00 317 107 0.20 735 497 50.00 596 468 0.00 55.0 62.1 NAVL NAP NAP NAP
299 306 7 Paul Merchants Sat Paul Bansal 7019 31.00 7012 31.00 44 444 10.00 1.00 20 NAP 28 307 0.00 821 496 37.00 511 472 0.00 9.0 11.2 NAVL NAP 156 68.8
358 NAP R-E 2018 Nagarjuna Fertilizers & Chemicals Nagarjuna Group 5730 111.00 5642 110.00 -900 483 0.00 NAP 526 NAP 40 2842 0.00 848 495 -42.00 -2070 492 0.00 NAP 0.0 866 364 577 9.5
274 259 -15 Team Lease Services Sabharwal, Reddy 7923 22.00 7870 21.00 111 428 190.00 1.00 6 5.00 248 100 0.10 1047 494 18.00 808 457 0.00 14.9 12.7 1189 344 4122 -16.6
466 389 -77 P&G Hygiene and Health Care MNC 3967 1.00 3918 0.00 678 245 18.00 17.00 11 1.00 978 4 0.00 1055 493 28.00 946 453 0.00 80.6 69.4 NAVL NAP 47923 26.6
327 301 -26 Black Box Essar Group 6462 18.00 6288 17.00 24 449 -67.00 0.00 111 53.00 210 628 2.10 1060 492 22.00 296 481 0.00 11.2 15.4 443 379 2589 64.8
377 355 -22 IFB Industries Bijon Nag 5311 20.00 5249 22.00 15 452 0.00 0.00 33 21.00 97 353 0.50 1121 491 2.00 667 463 0.00 2.3 5.9 2653 260 3519 -8.2
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