
Fortune India The Next 500

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020
RANK TOTAL INCOME NET INCOME PROFIT Interest cost Cash & Bank Balance Total Debt Debt-Equity Ratio Total Assets Networth RONW ROCE Employees Avg MCap TSR (CY21)
2022 2021 Company OWNER / GROUP Industry Rs cr YoY change % Rs cr YoY change % Rs cr Rank YoY change % % of total income Rs cr % of Ebitda Rs cr % of Ebitda (x) Rs cr Rank YoY Change % Rs cr Rank YoY Change % (%) (%) (in nos) Rank YoY Change % Rs cr (%)
500 NA Taparia Tools Devi Prasad Taparia 209 30 554 14 48 269 58.03 8.74 0 0.00 20 1 0.01 212 483 29 209 424 30 26.23 34.34 341 396 -6 30 NAP
217 148 VST Industries MNC 940 19 1111 -10 311 13 2.20 27.00 0 0.00 21 0 0.00 963 241 19 940 145 19 35.98 47.17 780 278 -3 5259 -13
269 NA Swaraj Engines Mahindra 281 19 987 28 93 163 30.26 9.22 0 0.00 117 0 0.00 286 465 19 281 397 19 35.84 47.29 601 325 -21 1912 18
194 149 MOIL Govt of India 2820 NAP 1177 NAP 177 72 NAP 14.56 0 0.00 1581 0 0.00 2889 61 NAP 2820 24 NAP 7.43 9.87 5866 27 -2 3958 22
460 NA Symrise MNC 337 37 592 9 91 166 40.18 15.06 0 0.12 166 0 0.00 338 455 37 337 372 37 31.19 41.84 180 426 NAP NAP NAP
164 202 Bhansali Engineering Polymers Babulal M Bhansali 681 91 1292 17 334 10 398.28 25.90 1 0.14 153 0 0.00 686 324 90 681 225 91 64.36 85.48 442 369 -6 2798 13
187 NA Spicer India MNC 527 10 1183 -1 100 152 -13.72 8.12 0 0.16 176 116 0.18 651 345 19 527 291 10 19.84 23.33 NA NAP NAP NAP
26 45 Lakshmi Machine Works Sanjay Jayavarthanavelu 1780 7 1727 10 45 284 60.60 2.46 0 0.17 782 0 0.00 1915 103 11 1780 56 7 3.18 4.80 2888 68 -9 7809 83
188 230 Kaveri Seed Company GV Bhaskar Rao 1244 30 1033 11 311 14 19.87 25.27 1 0.17 14 2 0.00 1271 175 29 1244 98 30 28.25 28.54 1195 204 11 3550 10
330 387 Kennametal India MNC 586 5 854 21 73 207 116.22 8.55 0 0.23 129 0 0.01 589 377 3 586 261 5 12.84 16.98 747 285 -1 2757 121
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