
Fortune India The Next 500

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020
RANK TOTAL INCOME NET INCOME PROFIT Interest cost Cash & Bank Balance Total Debt Debt-Equity Ratio Total Assets Networth RONW ROCE Employees Avg MCap TSR (CY21)
2022 2021 Company OWNER / GROUP Industry Rs cr YoY change % Rs cr YoY change % Rs cr Rank YoY change % % of total income Rs cr % of Ebitda Rs cr % of Ebitda (x) Rs cr Rank YoY Change % Rs cr Rank YoY Change % (%) (%) (in nos) Rank YoY Change % Rs cr (%)
230 295 AAVAS Financiers MNC 2401 14 1103 22 289 21 16.01 26.13 458 55.26 1125 6378 2.61 8779 19 17 2401 33 14 12.84 9.97 4336 41 22 19232 51
487 425 AXISCADES Technologies Rajeev Chandrasekhar 299 -5 524 -22 -22 434 PL NAP 24 874.00 85 104 0.45 465 417 -18 299 390 -5 2.84 10.61 999 236 -21 275 85
281 244 AYM Syntex Welspun 358 4 947 -8 14 371 -19.07 1.46 34 37.31 31 226 0.69 592 374 -3 358 362 4 4.56 8.96 1260 197 -4 377 143
153 265 Aban Offshore Aban Loyd -16823 -10 1069 10 -1973 498 Loss NAP 1106 NAP 74 15185 0.00 -1637 499 NAP -16823 498 -10 NAP NAP 237 422 -17 242 69
171 179 Action Construction Equipment Vijay Agarwal 523 18 1227 6 80 191 52.09 6.29 12 10.28 37 54 0.14 580 383 10 523 294 18 16.52 21.71 1111 217 0 2312 56
39 NA Adani Total Gas Adani, Total 1934 31 1696 -10 463 4 6.07 26.58 40 5.87 11 529 0.28 2469 72 30 1934 45 31 27.72 30.72 425 374 9 124733 355
369 289 Aditya Vision Yashovardhan Sinha & Nishant P 57 45 748 -6 25 340 76.03 3.24 8 19.35 22 84 1.23 141 492 93 57 472 45 51.33 38.31 846 268 NAP 688 1538
261 NA Aegon Life Insurance Company Diversified* 1660 3 940 72 -89 455 LL NAP 3 NAP 38 70 0.04 3309 51 20 1660 62 3 NAP NAP NA NAP NAP NAP
490 NA Affle India Anuj Khanna & Anuj Kumar 359 57 517 55 135 108 105.74 24.14 4 3.00 63 119 0.32 586 381 89 359 360 57 45.94 33.85 275 410 16 13159 46
299 349 Agarwal Industrial Corporation Jaiprakash Agarwal 196 25 904 15 41 301 58.63 4.36 10 13.83 35 150 0.68 346 453 39 196 430 25 22.92 19.71 NA NAP 325 282
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