
Fortune India The Next 500

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020
RANK TOTAL INCOME NET INCOME PROFIT Interest cost Cash & Bank Balance Total Debt Debt-Equity Ratio Total Assets Networth RONW ROCE Employees Avg MCap TSR (CY21)
2022 2021 Company OWNER / GROUP Industry Rs cr YoY change % Rs cr YoY change % Rs cr Rank YoY change % % of total income Rs cr % of Ebitda Rs cr % of Ebitda (x) Rs cr Rank YoY Change % Rs cr Rank YoY Change % (%) (%) (in nos) Rank YoY Change % Rs cr (%)
500 NA Taparia Tools Devi Prasad Taparia 209 30 554 14 48 269 58.03 8.74 0 0.00 20 1 0.01 212 483 29 209 424 30 26.23 34.34 341 396 -6 30 NAP
390 NA Keventer Agro Mayank Jalan 101 -43 728 -11 -76 453 PL NAP 28 NAP 22 236 0.72 603 371 -3 101 457 -43 NAP NAP 1700 143 NAP NAP NAP
323 385 Fusion Micro Finance Devesh Sachdev 1246 4 856 19 44 289 -36.88 5.03 375 89.63 1335 4432 3.03 5679 31 36 1246 96 4 3.59 8.77 NA NAP NAP NAP
335 NA Japfa Comfeed India MNC 281 12 829 -8 31 321 LP 3.72 2 3.86 93 0 0.04 288 464 4 281 396 12 11.62 15.58 NA NAP NAP NAP
339 NA Inspira Enterprise India Prakash Jain 114 58 803 5 36 310 83.41 4.42 9 18.32 38 68 0.66 243 478 36 114 455 58 38.73 27.61 698 300 NAP NAP NAP
363 NA Goldman Sachs India Securities MNC 1850 15 771 -13 244 34 -24.13 31.57 9 2.49 5429 0 0.00 2087 95 13 1850 50 15 14.11 17.35 NA NAP NAP NAP
84 NA Jindal Industries OP Jindal 174 -20 1561 -3 -44 442 PL NAP 5 NAP 11 43 0.38 363 449 9 174 439 -20 NAP NAP NA NAP NAP NAP
78 NA Godavari Biorefineries Samir Somaiya 454 6 1538 5 27 332 568.97 1.71 72 45.92 50 561 1.30 1019 226 -1 454 323 6 6.17 11.59 1517 167 3 NAP NAP
392 444 Gobind Sugar Mills KK Birla -80 14 763 32 13 376 LP 1.84 89 102.26 5 788 0.00 748 301 0 -80 481 14 NAP 12.21 293 406 15 NAP NAP
290 NA Credit Suisse AG MNC 4434 67 765 67 330 12 LP 34.80 254 38.01 3784 14498 NAP 18932 3 99 4434 8 67 9.17 2.56 NA NAP NAP NAP
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