
Fortune India The Next 500

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020
RANK TOTAL INCOME NET INCOME PROFIT Interest cost Cash & Bank Balance Total Debt Debt-Equity Ratio Total Assets Networth RONW ROCE Employees Avg MCap TSR (CY21)
2022 2021 Company OWNER / GROUP Industry Rs cr YoY change % Rs cr YoY change % Rs cr Rank YoY change % % of total income Rs cr % of Ebitda Rs cr % of Ebitda (x) Rs cr Rank YoY Change % Rs cr Rank YoY Change % (%) (%) (in nos) Rank YoY Change % Rs cr (%)
264 227 Vinati Organics Vinod Saraf 1543 21 954 -7 269 29 -19.32 26.71 1 0.27 7 2 0.00 1551 138 21 1543 72 21 19.08 23.71 953 247 10 17874 63
403 254 IFB Agro Industries IFB 444 17 702 -29 46 277 109.01 6.69 0 0.31 104 3 0.00 450 422 17 444 328 17 11.24 13.74 421 377 1 500 31
257 272 Procter & Gamble Health MNC 704 -22 1009 -26 177 71 -30.42 17.29 1 0.33 469 0 0.00 747 302 -21 704 217 -22 21.96 27.61 1362 182 25 9804 -22
238 NA Mitsubishi Electric Automotive MNC 606 13 1085 8 67 228 9.35 6.16 0 0.33 173 0 0.00 628 355 12 606 251 13 11.73 15.16 NA NAP NAP NAP
177 232 ERIS Lifesciences Amit Bakshi 1576 22 1212 13 355 9 19.78 28.21 2 0.46 38 0 0.00 1618 130 21 1576 69 22 24.72 26.83 3246 60 45 9402 30
270 213 Caplin Point Laboratories P. Vijayalakshmi, others 1111 27 1061 23 242 35 12.68 24.17 2 0.48 460 18 0.03 1237 183 23 1111 119 27 25.34 28.40 613 320 -1 5081 71
123 178 Nippon Life India Asset Mgt. MNC 3101 20 1419 19 680 2 63.84 47.93 4 0.48 361 0 0.00 3101 55 20 3101 18 20 23.86 30.96 991 238 -5 23011 20
318 NA Meritor HVS India MNC 166 5 894 -6 38 305 -15.44 4.23 0 0.54 74 0 0.00 166 489 4 166 440 5 23.41 31.70 NA NAP NAP NAP
105 56 Timken India MNC 1344 -15 1411 -13 143 93 -41.82 9.57 1 0.57 174 35 0.02 1453 150 -13 1344 92 -15 9.81 12.56 1287 192 1 11496 49
293 299 Bajaj Consumer Care Bajaj 757 16 922 8 223 41 20.76 23.63 1 0.57 10 5 0.02 762 294 13 757 200 16 31.64 37.87 511 347 5 3728 -6
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