
Fortune India The Next 500

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020
RANK TOTAL INCOME NET INCOME PROFIT Interest cost Cash & Bank Balance Total Debt Debt-Equity Ratio Total Assets Networth RONW ROCE Employees Avg MCap TSR (CY21)
2022 2021 Company OWNER / GROUP Industry Rs cr YoY change % Rs cr YoY change % Rs cr Rank YoY change % % of total income Rs cr % of Ebitda Rs cr % of Ebitda (x) Rs cr Rank YoY Change % Rs cr Rank YoY Change % (%) (%) (in nos) Rank YoY Change % Rs cr (%)
489 NA Barbeque-Nation Hospitality Kayum Dhanani 244 4020 507 -40 -90 458 LL NAP 85 196.00 245 603 5.32 859 266 6 244 411 4020 NAP NAP 5710 28 -22 4047 144
491 NA Capital Small Finance Bank Samra, Gupta 451 11 511 12 41 300 60.68 7.32 313 93.00 1290 5838 NAP 6289 28 19 451 324 11 9.51 0.69 1614 153 -2 NAP NAP
498 NA Nucleus Software Exports Vishnu R Dusad 672 20 514 -1 118 124 32.54 21.33 1 1.00 45 6 0.01 689 323 19 672 228 20 16.58 21.25 1932 116 -9 1665 -9
474 NA Sarveshwar Foods Suraj Prakash Gupta 138 1 515 5 5 392 -8.58 0.91 13 62.18 1 266 1.54 427 435 11 138 445 1 3.13 4.73 NA NAP 57 204
490 NA Affle India Anuj Khanna & Anuj Kumar 359 57 517 55 135 108 105.74 24.14 4 3.00 63 119 0.32 586 381 89 359 360 57 45.94 33.85 275 410 16 13159 46
497 NA Pitti Engineering Sharad Pitti 236 13 522 -1 29 331 68.19 5.19 30 38.00 9 318 1.35 564 393 19 236 416 13 12.20 12.08 1159 209 NAP 417 317
487 425 AXISCADES Technologies Rajeev Chandrasekhar 299 -5 524 -22 -22 434 PL NAP 24 874.00 85 104 0.45 465 417 -18 299 390 -5 2.84 10.61 999 236 -21 275 85
430 435 V2 Retail Ram Chandra Agarwal  269 -4 538 -23 -13 426 PL NAP 33 65.44 23 396 1.32 668 334 10 269 402 -4 NAP NAP 2799 71 5 464 63
485 485 Hindusthan Urban Infra Modi Raghu 424 0 541 -2 -1 409 Loss NAP 41 69.48 22 275 0.60 773 292 1 424 341 0 NAP NAP 372 391 47 508 184
428 NA Kesar Enterprises Kilachand -102 49 547 6 90 169 3822.71 13.84 27 92.39 26 208 0.00 361 450 -8 -102 483 49 NAP 31.51 252 417 -3 78 100
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