
Fortune India The Next 500

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020
RANK TOTAL INCOME NET INCOME PROFIT Interest cost Cash & Bank Balance Total Debt Debt-Equity Ratio Total Assets Networth RONW ROCE Employees Avg MCap TSR (CY21)
2022 2021 Company OWNER / GROUP Industry Rs cr YoY change % Rs cr YoY change % Rs cr Rank YoY change % % of total income Rs cr % of Ebitda Rs cr % of Ebitda (x) Rs cr Rank YoY Change % Rs cr Rank YoY Change % (%) (%) (in nos) Rank YoY Change % Rs cr (%)
450 NA Indraprastha Medical Corp. Apollo Hospitals 273 2 613 -26 2 404 -94.66 0.38 3 8.29 28 0 0.01 294 463 0 273 399 2 1.01 2.84 2783 72 -13 668 33
341 500 Bhagyanagar India Surana 126 3 787 40 3 402 234.62 0.43 8 45.41 4 155 0.88 281 468 49 126 450 3 2.79 5.76 121 432 -1 150 39
352 NA Indiabulls Real Estate Indiabulls 3482 -2 1521 -53 4 397 -96.44 0.54 228 126.82 197 1223 0.56 4899 33 -25 3482 16 -2 0.07 3.37 NA NAP 5595 95
336 405 Sky Gold Mangesh Chauhan & Mahendra 52 10 796 10 5 395 -17.35 0.58 6 60.74 0 73 1.32 126 493 18 52 473 10 9.65 10.71 NA NAP 99 -1
192 117 Max Ventures and Industries Analjit Singh 883 1 1179 -15 8 389 -79.48 0.63 58 32.28 89 543 0.65 1703 121 2 883 160 1 8.78 11.41 NA NAP 1247 192
240 158 Mirza International Tauseef Ahmad Mirza 638 2 1049 -17 8 387 -82.52 0.77 41 34.68 12 140 0.34 985 234 -10 638 239 2 1.32 5.10 2774 76 -13 754 126
451 NA Rajnandini Metal Het Ram Sharma 20 35 617 1066 5 393 337.07 0.83 4 34.27 0 43 2.42 62 497 14 20 476 35 29.75 18.28 NA NAP 190 745
144 81 JTEKT India MNC 599 0 1333 -12 12 379 -61.24 0.87 5 4.60 75 49 0.11 683 326 -4 599 255 0 2.29 3.76 3186 61 72 2395 4
499 483 Bharat Seats Rohit Relan 117 3 548 -7 5 395 -61.58 0.87 4 16.00 1 35 0.33 152 491 -2 117 454 3 4.18 7.10 339 397 -15 246 0
423 482 Mangalam Global Enterprise Amit Kumar 69 16 644 26 6 391 84.39 0.88 8 67.11 31 121 1.38 192 486 55 69 470 16 7.40 8.58 113 433 -33 150 166
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