
Fortune India The Next 500

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020
RANK TOTAL INCOME NET INCOME PROFIT Interest cost Cash & Bank Balance Total Debt Debt-Equity Ratio Total Assets Networth RONW ROCE Employees Avg MCap TSR (CY21)
2022 2021 Company OWNER / GROUP Industry Rs cr YoY change % Rs cr YoY change % Rs cr Rank YoY change % % of total income Rs cr % of Ebitda Rs cr % of Ebitda (x) Rs cr Rank YoY Change % Rs cr Rank YoY Change % (%) (%) (in nos) Rank YoY Change % Rs cr (%)
66 NA FCA India Automobiles MNC 62 268 1675 -22 45 281 -10.05 2.80 28 40.17 308 255 5.04 321 458 95 62 471 268 1.76 2.62 102 434 NAP NAP NAP
423 482 Mangalam Global Enterprise Amit Kumar 69 16 644 26 6 391 84.39 0.88 8 67.11 31 121 1.38 192 486 55 69 470 16 7.40 8.58 113 433 -33 150 166
341 500 Bhagyanagar India Surana 126 3 787 40 3 402 234.62 0.43 8 45.41 4 155 0.88 281 468 49 126 450 3 2.79 5.76 121 432 -1 150 39
472 NA Capital India Finance S K Narvar  563 8 580 223 10 384 -44.28 1.65 24 45.21 228 289 0.38 886 257 37 563 271 8 1.12 5.22 136 431 43 950 5
277 NA Coffee Day Enterprises V G Siddhartha 3716 -14 862 -67 -584 490 PL NAP 261 NAP 46 1779 0.60 5967 29 -31 3716 10 -14 NAP NAP 142 430 -28 774 -11
301 NA Transcorp International Agarwal - D P 45 -9 917 -61 -5 416 Loss NAP 5 NAP 17 53 1.13 98 495 -5 45 474 -9 NAP NAP 151 429 -19 44 87
273 NA Best Agrolife Vimal Alawadhi 125 58 905 31 37 308 348.79 3.74 5 9.26 33 32 0.33 164 490 36 125 451 58 36.23 40.30 160 428 -18 1462 97
116 270 Panama Petrochem Amirali E. Rayani 561 30 1447 44 135 107 370.29 9.30 9 4.72 75 66 0.12 627 357 29 561 272 30 27.23 33.90 167 427 -2 1307 151
460 NA Symrise MNC 337 37 592 9 91 166 40.18 15.06 0 0.12 166 0 0.00 338 455 37 337 372 37 31.19 41.84 180 426 NAP NAP NAP
319 NA Chamanlal Setia Exports Rajeev Setia 350 28 851 7 82 182 56.30 9.34 6 5.48 63 96 0.26 445 426 31 350 366 28 26.33 29.52 194 425 7 559 6
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