
Fortune India The Next 500

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020
RANK TOTAL INCOME NET INCOME PROFIT Interest cost Cash & Bank Balance Total Debt Debt-Equity Ratio Total Assets Networth RONW ROCE Employees Avg MCap TSR (CY21)
2022 2021 Company OWNER / GROUP Industry Rs cr YoY change % Rs cr YoY change % Rs cr Rank YoY change % % of total income Rs cr % of Ebitda Rs cr % of Ebitda (x) Rs cr Rank YoY Change % Rs cr Rank YoY Change % (%) (%) (in nos) Rank YoY Change % Rs cr (%)
361 30 Reliance Communications Anil Ambani -53906 -12 760 -55 -5791 500 Loss NAP 48 NAP 826 45576 0.00 -7896 500 NAP -53906 500 -12 NAP NAP 614 319 -39 747 94
245 147 Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Tata -18491 -6 1044 -3 -1997 499 Loss NAP 1561 NAP 43 17774 0.00 1068 217 291 -18491 499 -6 NAP NAP 372 391 1 8470 2516
153 265 Aban Offshore Aban Loyd -16823 -10 1069 10 -1973 498 Loss NAP 1106 NAP 74 15185 0.00 -1637 499 NAP -16823 498 -10 NAP NAP 237 422 -17 242 69
38 63 Sintex Industries Rahul A. Patel 1880 -40 1696 0 -1306 497 LL NAP 795 NAP 28 6533 2.59 8417 20 -12 1880 49 -40 NAP NAP 5026 36 -12 323 317
117 104 GTL Infrastructure Diversified* -1287 NAP 1410 -1 -1271 496 Loss NAP 663 NAP 439 5085 0.00 3909 41 -30 -1287 493 NAP NAP NAP 636 310 -1 1941 208
276 419 Visa Steel V Saran -2346 NAP 976 43 -1197 495 LL NAP 17 NAP 10 3472 0.00 1148 200 -51 -2346 497 NAP NAP NAP 386 383 1 119 137
103 NA Future Enterprises Future Group 2911 -30 1422 -73 -1122 494 LL NAP 817 487.60 56 7169 1.98 10383 12 -9 2911 21 -30 NAP NAP 1900 119 -30 498 -16
377 NA PVR Ajay Bijli & Sanjeev Kumar 1833 24 280 -92 -748 493 PL NAP 498 NAP 731 5003 3.04 6985 26 4 1833 51 24 NAP NAP 3481 54 -32 8499 -3
11 NA Indian Hotels Co Tata 3648 -16 1575 -65 -720 492 PL NAP 403 NAP 154 5518 1.25 9935 13 0 3648 13 -16 NAP NAP 5239 31 -3 18113 51
296 42 Sintex Plastics Technology Bharat Vijay 821 -45 858 -6 -651 491 Loss NAP 432 855.30 771 3100 2.69 4075 38 -15 821 180 -45 NAP NAP NA NAP 360 318
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